Researchers- ZHAW
B5. Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland (ZHAW)

Prof. Stephan Scheidegger
works at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The field of research includes medical biophysics and systems sciences in medicine. Special focus is set on model-based data analysis and modelling of anticancer treatment using heat and radiation. Long_Bio
Key words: Medical Biophysics, Radiation Biophysics, Systems Medicine

Rudolf M. Füchslin
studied theoretical physics at ETH in Zürich and got his PhD from the University of Zurich in the newly established group for computer assisted physics. he acted as a consultant for the Institute for Forensic Medicine fostering interest in biological and medical problems. After various post doc positions on the interface between theoretical biology and engineering, he got a position as professor of applied complex systems science at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Co – director of the European Centre for Living Technology in Venice, Italy and president of the Naturama foundation. Long_Bio
Keywords: Complex systems sciences, evolutionary methods,mathematical modeling