Second training week (June 2022)
Second Hyperboost training week: June 19th- July 1st 2022
Most fellows arrived the 19th of June 2022 and went for a walk through Amsterdam;

The first part of the course was in Amsterdam:
B1. Workshop Basic Microscopy in Oncology organized by AMC – Amsterdam, June 20-23 2022
This course was be taylored to the needs of the Hyperboost fellows, and was a broad introduction into microscopy with some hands-on work and possibilities and a separate data-analysis and application course. (program)
This was followed by a symposium in Rotterdam on the 24th of July (Symposium on tomorrow’s clinical hyperthermia: the legacy of Prof. Gerard van Rhoon, (program)

On the 25th we all went to the Zaanse Schans to see the typical Dutch mills and enjoy pancakes.

B10. Mentoring organiser: Duke University Medical Center, USA, June 27-28 2022
This course was postponed from January 2022.
Effective mentoring is key to the education and training of clinical and translational ESRs. This 2-day course provided a supportive environment to ESRs and their mentors, with research mentoring to foster growth throughout one’s professional career. Introductory mentor and mentee resources are framed around 4 phases of ESR-mentor relationship:
- Selection
- Alignment
- Cultivation
- Closure
Topics Covered; Effective Communication, Aligning Expectations, Learning Compacts, Assessing Understanding, Equity and Inclusion, Fostering Independence, Articulating your mentoring philosophy, Promoting Professional Development.)- (Program)
With a lot of interactive cases and discussion, this course was very valuable and learned the students, but also their PI’s (!) a lot on expectation management and the importance of good communication.

Then the group transferred to Utrecht on the 29th for the final two days;
A 2 days Hand- on ESHO training organized by AMC/EMC/Chalmers (which will be followed by a theoretical part in September in Gotenborg) Rotterdam/Amsterdam/Eindhoven, June 29-30 2022, (Program)
Also these courses were experienced by the students as very valuable. One of the students, following the courses in Eindhoven, Rotterdam and Utrecht, commented the following; “course of EM simulations for hyperthermia treatment planning in TU/e Eindhoven through presentations and training by prof. Maarten Paulides, Dr. Kemal Sumser, and Ellen van Wesel which was a real hands-on course. This course was completed by the 2nd day in Erasmus MC in Rotterdam by tracking the complete clinical process of hyperthermia treatment from RF applicator design and test, phantom making, CT scan to patient modeling, and superficial and deep hyperthermia treatment and MR thermometer, etcetera by many professional engineers, physicists and clinicians under the supervision of Dr. Sergio Curto and prof. Gerard Van Rhoon. Then It was finished with a very practical course on the HIFU treatment in UMC Utrecht.” (see also LinkedIn)
Some pictures of the different courses below:

Then most students left on July 1st after a very fruitful 2 weeks of training, networking and getting to know each other!