
Understanding biology of hyperthermia in the context of cancer treatment via multi-omics approach.
Fernando Lobo, MD
Graduated as a Medical Doctor at the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), then, he obtained a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Paris. Has worked in different research projects for the UNAH (Honduras) and the Institut Pasteur (France). Long_Bio
Biomedical Engineering, multi-omics, microscopy
Priyanshu Sinha, MSc
Graduated from Goethe University Frankfurt am Main with a MSc in Cell Biology. Previously held an industry trainee position in the field of Microbiology but shifted his focus to pursue research to clinically establish combinational therapies in the field of precision oncology. His MSc thesis is focused on modelling adaptive immune response in patient derived colorectal cancer organoids. Long_Bio
Hyperthermia, Radiation, in vivo and in vitro models
Folefac Charlemagne Asonganyi, MSc
After a BSc in Medical Laboratory Sciences from Buea University in Cameroon, he worked as a medical laboratory scientist in Cameroon until 2017. He obtained a MSc at Hasselt University (Belgium) in Biomedical Sciences in 2019. His thesis was focus on the biodistribution and cytotoxicity of antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticle for cancer radiotherapy at SCK.CEN Mol, one of Belgium’s Nuclear Research Centre involved in radiation and cancer research. Long_Bio
Tumour pathophysiology, radiation, hyperthermia

Elucidate the effects and reveal mechanisms of hyperthermia in combination with radiotherapy on the innate and adaptive immune system in pre-clinical model systems
Azzaya Sengedorj, MSc
Obtained her bachelor’s degree in Medical science at the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences and graduated as a medical doctor. After she studied at the Grenoble INP University of Grenoble Alpes, obtained her MSc in Nanomedicine. Her thesis was about the preclinical evaluation of organotypic tissue slice cultures to monitor anti-cancer drug therapy on metastatic renal cancer. She now started her PhD to study the effects of hyperthermia in combination with radio and immunotherapy on the immune system in preclinical model systems. Long_Bio
hyperthermia, radiotherapy, tumor immunology, preclinical models

Model-based Data Analysis of Radio-sensitization by Hyperthermia in Combination with Radiotherapy
Sergio Mingo Barba, MSc
received the bachelor in Physics by the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain) in 2018. He then undertook the application path of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme in Nuclear Physics in the University of Catania (Italy), the University of Caen (France) and the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain). During his master thesis, he participated in the ELIMED project where he carried out Monte Carlo simulations to study the laser-accelerated beam characterization as well as the dosimetric parameters at the irradiation point. Long_Bio
Monte Carlo simulation, Radiotherapy, Medical Physics

Advanced optimisation strategies for hyperthermia combined with radiotherapy
Timoteo Daniel Herrera, MSc
Graduated from Instituto Balseiro (Bariloche, Argentina) with a BSc in physics and an MSc in Medical Physics. His master thesis proposed a patient positioning system for radiotherapy treatments using augmented reality tools in a mobile application. He then obtained a grant from the Argentinian Atomic Energy Commission to take part in commissioning of radiotherapy equipment for a new oncology clinic and completed his training as a radiotherapy medical physicist, gaining more than 4 years of clinical experience. Long_Bio
Keywords Treatment planning, Optimization, hyperthermia radiosensitization
Spyridon Karkavitsas, MSc
holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Crete in Greece. He obtained his Msc in “Medical Physics – Radiophysics” from the Kapodistrian University of Athens. The aim of his MSc thesis was to measure and characterize the temperature dependence of T2 relaxation time utilizing two major T2 mapping sequences: Multi – Echo Spin Echo and 2D Half – Fourier Acquisition Single- Shot Turbo Spin Echo. and to investigate the correlation between T2 relaxation time and electrical conductivity at a given temperature. His current scientific interests center on Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging – Guided Hyperthermia. Long_Bio
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Resonance thermometry, Hyperthermia
Artemis Kontogoula, MSc
Studied physics at the University of Athens with a BSc thesis on the reduction of coherent synchrotron radiation effects at the FLASHForward plasma wakefield accelerator at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. MSc in physics on the deformable image registration (DIR) method for the calculation of accumulated dose for prostate cancer patients at the University Clinic in Eppendorf-Hamburg (UKE). During her studies she investigated limitations of the method, as well as parameters that can affect the performance of the DIR algorithm. Long_Bio
Hyperthermia, Radiotherapy, Treatment planning system
Mattia De Lazzari, MSc
Mattia received his BSc degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2018 at University of Padova (Italy). From the same university he obtained his MSc degree in Bioengineering in 2020. He recently joined the Hyperboost project, under the supervision of Prof. Hana D.Trefna, at Chalmers University of Technology. Long_Bio
Bioengineering, Biological Systems Modelling, Clinical Quality Assurance.
Carolina Seabra, MSc
Holds an integrated BSE/MSE degree in Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, with a specialisation in Radiation for Diagnosis and Treatment from the University of Lisbon. The MSc thesis was focused on Prostate Cancer and Deep Learning. She used prostate histopathology images to feed a convolutional neural network, which could automatically classify tumour and non-tumour images. She worked as a junior researcher in the Physics Research division in Maastro, involved in projects related to proton radiotherapy, focused on investigating and developing imaging techniques to verify beam delivery. Long_Bio
Biomedical Engineering, Radiotherapy, Medical Physics, AI, Hyperthermia

Monitoring immune effects of hyperthermia in multimodal settings with radiotherapy in patients and definition of prognostic and predictive markers
Rupali Khatun, MSc
Previously worked as an Investigator in the Computer Vision Centre (University Autonomous Barcelona, Spain), with food image recognition; to classify and extract knowledge of what we are eating, calculate the amount of nutrition a plate of food contains and help the doctors monitor their patients’ diet. Additionally, 3.5 years of development and entrepreneurship experience in ASP.NET and related technologies. An MSc in Computer Applications in 2018 and awarded with a silver medal for standing second in academic performance. Long_bio
Key Words
food image recognition, deep learning

Development of Novel Technology for Monitoring Radiofrequency Heating by Non-invasive Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Faezeh Rahimi
Graduated from KNTU of Tehran, Iran with an MSc in Telecommunication Engineering- Fields and Waves. Her thesis was about “Antenna Array Design and Fabrication and Beamforming for Hyperthermia Applications (Breast Cancer Treatment)”. She now started her PhD on “development of RF technology for thermal magnetic resonance: an instrument for studying the role of temperature in biological systems and disease” at MDC-Berlin and TU Berlin. Long_Bio
Thermal MR, Ultra High Field MR, RF Applicator
Paraskevi Danai Veltsista, Msc
Studied Chemistry at the University of Patras, Greece. Her BSc Thesis was based on the creation of lung cancer murine models induced by urethane and the macroscopic study of tumor growth in the absence of Geminin. In 2020 she obtained her MSc in Oncology at the free University of Amsterdam working on deciphering the immune response in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. During her MSc she had the chance to work on EGFR-TKI resistance in NSCLC cell lines and the potential role of Mycoplasma in drugs’ efficacy. Long_Bio
key words
in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo models, tumor immunology and micro-environment, drug resistance

Analysis of thermal enhancement parameters from clinical studies
Adela Ademaj, MSc
obtained her MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering with specialisation in radiotherapy from Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg. At the Department of Radiation Oncology at University Hospital Mannheim, she acquired a professional training and research experience in radiotherapy during graduate education. Her research interests are in cancer treatment with radiotherapy in combination with hyperthermia. Long_Bio
Radiotherapy, Hyperthermia, Medical Image Processing