Researchers- Aarhus University
B2. Aarhus University, Denmark (AU)
Michael Horsman
Michael R. Horsman is Professor of Experimental Radiotherapy at Aarhus University in the Department of Experimental Clinical Oncology (ECO), Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. He obtained a BSc with Honors in Human Biology from Oxford Polytechnic in 1977, a PhD in Radiation Biology from the University of London in 1981, and a Doctor of Medical Science from Aarhus University in 1996. He has published extensively on hyperthermia related topics, especially concerning the role of the tumor microenvironment and vasculature. Long_Bio

Pernille Byrialsen Elming
Recently finished her PhD, Aarhus University, Denmark, on “Tumour hypoxia and the potential of using exercise and hyperthermia for its elimination” andhas now started her specialist training in Clinical Oncology. Long_Bio