To update all on the progress of our project, we have posted videos from our fellows regularly on social media. The videos can be found here as well in chronological order. Spread the news and follow us to stay informed!
ESR3_ Folefac Charlemagne Asonganyi, working at Aarhus University under the guidance of Michael Horsman

ESR4_Azzaya Sengedorj working at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen under the guidance of Udo Gaipl and Benjamin Frey.
ESR6_Timoteo Herrera working at the Amsterdam UMC under the guidance of Hans Crezee and Petra Kok.

ESR8_Artemis Kontogoula working at Medlogix Srl (ALBA) under the guidance of Pierfrancesco Pavoni.

ESR12_ Faezeh Rahimi working at the The Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine under the guidance of Thoralf Niendorf.

ESR13_ Paraskevi Danai Veltsista working at the Charite under the guidance of Pirus Ghadjar

ESR14_ Adela Ademaj working at the University of Zurich / Kantonsspital Aarau under the guidance of Oliver Riesterer.

At the last live meeting in Winterthur, we had a professional team make videos of all our fellows. the result can be seen below:
ESR1_Fernando | ESR5_Sergio | ESR9_Mattia | ESR13_Danae |
ESR2_Priyansu | ESR6_Timoteo | ESR10_Carolina | ESR14_Adela |
ESR3_Charlemagne | ESR7_Spiros | ESR11_Rupali | |
ESR4_Azzaya | ESR8_Artemis | ESR12_Faezeh |