Researchers- MedLogix
B7. Medlogix Rome, Italy (ALBA)

Pierfrancesco Pavoni
An Italian Olympian inventor and visioner behind the advanced open platform for Hyperthermia in health care named ALBA Precision Hyperthermia. An ex world-class sprinter from the 90’s, he experimented the first generation of Oncology Hyperthermia devices as a patient to cure his frequent muscle-tendon lesions. Since then he has been leading different teams of engineers collaborating with Top International Scientific Institutions committed to developing, producing, and selling radiative Hyperthermia devices worldwide. Author of different national and international patents in HT technology, he has more than 30 years of experience in high-tech innovative medical device businesses, having also planned and managed the development, launch and sales of ultrasound imaging devices and extracorporeal electro-hydraulic shock wave technology. Long_Bio

Eugenio Pagliaroli
After receiving an MSc in Bio-engineering in 2012 from the University of Rome Tor Vergata he started working at MED-LOGIX srl where he is now the production and service manager. He worked from the beginning on the R&D project of the new deep hyperthermia system ALBA 4D and personally followed all the stages of design, development, testing and certification of the device. He is directly involved in all R&D projects of the company, as part of the team taking care of the design, development and testing of the products.