Researchers – Erlangen
B4. Universitäts-klinikum Erlangen, Germany (UKER)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Udo S. Gaipl
obtained his Dr. rer. nat. with ward in 2003 and following a 2-year postoc at the Hospitale San Raffaele in Milano at the tumor immunology unit, he returned to Erlangen as group leader and continued his work on stressed cells as a tool for immune intervention. Since 2007, he heads the Radiation Immunobiology at the Department of Radiation Oncoloyg of the UKER.
radiation-induced immune modulation, hyperthermia, immunophenotyping, clinical trials Long_Bio

Prof. Dr.Oliver Ott
Currently works as a consultant for radiation oncology and radiotherapy at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Germany. At the Department for Radiation Oncology, he is leading the subdepartments for medical radiotherapy imaging and treatment planning, for irradiation of benign conditions, and the hyperthermia department including MR-guided partial-body-hyperthermia, regional and local as well as interstitial hyperthermia. Main research interests comprise the development of accelerated partial breast irradiation for early breast cancer (APBI), multimodality treatments including combined radiation, systemic treatments and hyperthermia especially for anal, rectal and bladder cancer and optimized radiotherapy protocols for benign inflammatory-degenerative and hyperproliferative conditions. Long_Bio
PD Dr.-Ing. Dr. habil. med. Benjamin Frey M.Sc.
obtained his Dr.-Ing. with award in 2007 at Technische Universität München. Following a postdoc and the postdoctoral lecture qualification at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen he became the deputy head of the Translational Radiation Biology at Universitätsklinikum Erlangen. PD DR. Frey is a specialist in translational and experimental medicine. The focus of his research is the effects of radiation on the immune system. His special focus is on clinical trials and preclinical models, mimicking the real clinical situation.

Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Fietkau
head of Department of Radiation Oncology at UKER. Principal investigator of 24 clinical studies.Major scientific interests are chemoradiation therapy, combination of radiotherapy with immunotherapy, organ preservation for patients with head & neck tumors, brain tumors, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and application of hyperthermia as a radiosensitizer and immune modulator. Long_Bio